🥳How to get $FANS on Fansland Dapp

Earn $Fans token

Currently, users of Fansland can be categorized into three main groups: creators, consumers, and patrons, with $FANS facilitating value circulation among these groups.

Users can obtain $FANS as rewards for various contributions to the Fansland ecosystem:

  1. Create - Users with a Creator Pass can develop and list their AI Applications on Fansland, generating revenue from usage fees and investments into their applications.

  2. Collect - Patron Badge holders receive a portion of $FANS tokens generated when the AI Applications they support are utilized and consumed by other users.

  3. Event Participation - Users can earn $FANS rewards through various initiatives hosted by Fansland team to incentivize active engagement across community, Testnet, and other relevant campaigns. Participants are evaluated based on predefined criteria.

  4. Open-Source AI Model Contributor - Fansland integrates around 100 open-source AI models. Developers whose models are used to create AI Applications on Fansland can receive a share of the $FANS tokens generated from application usage.

  5. Provide Products/Services - Users offering specialized features within their AI applications or selling data to the Fansland team receive $FANS tokens as compensation.

Last updated